Matt and Marc McKenna: They got rich from the taxpayer,
fired Eric Thompson for speaking out to ABC News as witness for the "Palin Brawl"
By Patrick
+++ UPDATE October 9th, 2014: Read the newly released
police report about this incident - it's simply epic,
and also confirms our reporting,
as well as the statements by Eric Thompson +++
as well as the statements by Eric Thompson +++
+++UPDATE October 25, 2014:
During the last days, the USA and the rest of the world learned all the juicy details about the ugly "Palin Brawl", with big headlines in all major US media outlets, after the Alaska blogger Amanda Coyne originally broke the story. On Saturday, September 6, 2014, the whole Palin-family (absent only Piper and Trig) drove with a stretch hummer limousine to the 40th birthday party of Marc and Matt McKenna, owners of "McKenna Brothers Paving" and Palin's Iron Dog "snowmachine buddies".
According to our own sources in Alaska, a lot of members of the Iron Dog community were present at the party, and the number of attendees varies in the reports between 70 and 100 people. In any case, it was a very large party, hosted at the home of Korey Klingenmeyer in Anchorage, with lots of food, lots of drinks, and a band which was hired for the occasion.
Korey Klingenmeyer, the host of the party which now became infamous as the "Palin-brawl", is an employee with McKenna Brothers Paving, the company owned by Marc and Matt McKenna (their facebook page is here). He threw the birthday party for his bosses. According to our information from Alaska, he is the operations manager there, having a well-paid job.
Another employee at McKenna Brothers Paving is Eric Thompson. He also works there in the office, as we exclusively revealed in our previous post, or let's just say, he did work there. Because after speaking on the record to ABC News as an eye-witness about the Palin-brawl, in a major news report which then was aired all over the USA, is has been reported that he got fired from his job at McKenna Brothers Paving.
So why did he get fired? What exactly were the reasons? No official statement has been made, but we can guess - and it is not very difficult to come up with possible reasons. However, these guesses do not put the McKenna twins into a good light.
It is well known in Alaska that the McKenna brothers are close friends to the Palin-family. This is also easily confirmed if one for example takes a look at the facebook page of Matt McKenna, I cannot find the page now, maybe it's gone, I don't know, but during the last days, we were still able to find it (EDIT: THE PAGE IS HERE) and took the following screenshot:
Yes, that's Marc McKenna, together with Sarah Palin. This photo was actually taken in 2013 at a car auction in Scottsdale, Arizona, There is a youtube clip with more pictures from this event, also with another picture of Sarah Palin with Matt McKenna:
Screenshot from the video clip:
That's a Shelby Cobra Roadster, by the way, in case you wondered. :-)
So the assumption that the McKenna brothers fired their employee Eric Thompson because he was, well, "embarrassing" their big friends, the Palin-family, with his witness account on ABC News, is more than obvious to us.
In addition, it appears to us that the firing of Eric Thompson also serves as a warning to Korey Klingenmeyer, the host of the party, who was repeatedly punched by Bristol Palin, as several witnesses confirmed. Korey is also their employee, as explained above, and from what we have heard from Alaska, Korey was seriously considering filing charges against Bristol Palin.
In our opinion, the firing occurred as retaliation against Eric Thompson, and as a threatening warning to Korey Klingenmeyer.
Relationships in Alaska, which is an incredibly small society, can be very complex, as we learned over and over again during the previous years.
What is particularly outragous in regards to the McKenna brothers and their recent action towards Eric Thompson is the fact that their paving company made their fortune through public contracts: They got rich through the taxpayer. Even a quick online search reveals multiple public contracts for their company in Alaska, and certainly there are many more. You will see familiar names there - for example Republicans Diane Keller and Verne Rupright, in their capacity mayors of Wasilla.
For McKenna Brothers Paving, bad PR is definitely not good PR.
Let's tell the brothers that Eric Thompson needs his job back. Let's stop with the culture of "if you speak out against the Palins, bad things will happen to you" in Alaska. Yes, this culture does exist, as we and others have heard from sources over and over again during the previous years - and many authors and journalists heard the same when they talked to Alaskans!
Many Alaskans believed that, after Sarah Palin resigned, that the Palins were not a "problem" for Alaska any more, and they slowly started to forget about them. Sarah Palin herself focused on the "Lower 48" and very rarely got involved in Alaskan politics. However, the outrageous behaviour of the Palin-family at the "Palin-brawl", and the fact that the Palins still have the ability to do even more damage to people, that they still have the power to "get people fired", shows that the Palins are still a problem for Alaska. Their mafia-like behaviour should not be tolerated in Alaska any more.
Tell the McKenna brothers to give Eric Thompson his job back immediately!
Contact details HERE.
Their facebook page is HERE.
(The reviews on their facebook, commenting on the firing, are already damning!)
Official company business filing HERE.
They want money from the taxpayer? Then tell them to acknowledge the constitutional rights of Eric Thompson. Do not allow them to intimidate others on behalf of the Palins!
I really want to hear this with a proper rock band! :-)
Eric Thompson is an honest and straightforward man from Alaska, who was punished for telling the truth about the Palin-brawl. Now he needs our help!
In a youtube-clip which he today published himself, he explains that he was "fired within an hour" from his job after the airing of his interview at "Good Morning America." He has living expenses and lawyer fees to pay.
He set up a "GoFundMe" page and asks for donations.
All we can say is: Give him all you can spare! He is a brave man who really deserves our support.
Here is the clip in which he explains his situation:
UPDATE 2 (by Kathleen):
Earlier I reached out to Eric Thompson and suggested that he set up a paypal account for those who do not wish to use the GoFundMe site.
Eric wrote to me and thanked me for the suggestion and support.
For those wishing to donate by paypal Eric's new paypal address is
New video interview with Eric Thompson by the Alaska Dispatch News (see the article about the interview here).
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