Palin-biographer Joe McGinniss: "I think the Politicalgates archives are the best single available resource for anyone wondering why questions are still being asked about Sarah really being Trig’s birth mother." (from August 28, 2011)
Kathleen Baker, editor of Politicalgates, writes in the UK "Guardian" about Sarah Palin's faked pregnancy: "Sarah Palin, unreliable narrator"
Read all posts at Politicalgates about Sarah Palin's faked pregnancy with Trig - CLICK HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE AND HERE.
Download the research paper regarding Sarah Palin's faked pregnancy and the role of the media, written by Brad Scharlott, Associate Professor for Journalism at Northern Kentucky University - CLICK HERE.
Brad Scharlott's revised version of the paper has also been published by "Business Insider."
Read the old post at Palingates about the faked pregnancy with the pictures still intact in hardcopy HERE.
Read the old posts at Palingates online HERE (useful also for watching the video clips which were published with the posts).
In addition, please don't hesitate to watch the excellent video-documentaries about "babygate" which our reader Lidia17 created - HERE, HERE and HERE.
We break the "Spiral of Silence" - Read the details about the "biggest hoax in American political history!"
WATCH: Sarah Palin's faked pregnancy, an open secret in Alaska. Interview with Michael Carey, journalist with the Anchorage Daily News, from September 2, 2008:
By Ennealogic
- The hoax is simply too outrageous, nobody would be crazy enough to try something like that.
- It doesn't matter, this is a personal womanly thing and who cares anyway?
- In order to keep it a secret, a huge number of people would have to be involved and someone would have leaked by now.
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Sarah Palin, VP candidate |
But this post is about comeback #3. How many people would actually have to be in on this unique hoax, and why hasn't one of them broken the silence so far? It's far fewer than you'd think:
(1) There's Sarah herself, of course.
(2) And Todd.
(3) Someone had to bring a baby to MatSu Regional on April 18, 2008 for photo ops.
(4) CBJ is a likely accomplice, especially since she has not stepped up to disclaim the election eve letter.
(5-6) One or another of Sarah's closest inner circle probably had knowledge.
(7?) The actual mother might know, especially if she is a family member.
(8?) The actual father might know.
(9?) Whoever helped the actual birth mother deliver and then turn over the infant may know.
Nine is not a lot.
No other medical or hospital personnel would have had to be involved. There wouldn't have been an amniocentesis or other testing, no pre-natal visits, and no birth attendants because there was no Sarah pregnancy. The actual place of birth, the attendants and the doctors, would not necessarily have to be in on a hoax. The mother may have only been a Jane Doe to them.
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Heather, Sarah's sister |
If Bristol was pregnant with Trig, it's likely that her aunt Heather, Sarah's sister who was living in Anchorage in late 2007 and early 2008, would have known about the hoax.
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Sally and Chuck Heath |
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Frank Bailey |
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Kris Perry |
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Ivy Frye |
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Todd Palin |
Let's see, who else would necessarily have to know? Certainly Todd, since he accompanied Sarah to Dallas and was there during the Reckless Ride back to Alaska. And being a husband, after all, to a wife who had already given birth four times before, he surely would not have been fooled. But as we've learned, Todd has participated in and even instigated many lies and is the least likely person to spill the beans, besides Sarah.
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Cathy Baldwin-Johnson |
Then there's Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, who provided cover for Sarah's Reckless Ride. Someone also would have had to arrange for a baby to appear at the right time and place, and possibly pave the way for an adoption. The actual birth parents may have been in the know, but adoptions can happen where the biological parents do not know who ends up with their child. It seems obvious that Sarah's favorite doctor would know at least many details about the hoax. Medical ethics could well be a big reason CBJ has not said anything.
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Track Palin |
What about the Palin children? Track enlisted in September, 2007, and was still in the military in April 2008—ruling out any chance he would have noticed the stage of his mother's 6-week pregnancy. He's also male, and a boy in his late teens would have little to no interest in such things. I'm going to assume, for the sake of this post, that Track was not the father of Trig, but one could make a case for that, and then of course he'd be in the know but with good reason to remain silent.
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Piper Palin |
Seven-year-old Piper was definitely too young and could easily have been "left out of the loop." She would have believed whatever she was told. Heck, she believed her family was really going on vacation this summer.
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Bristol Palin |
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Willow Palin |
Naturally, if Bristol had anything to do with the reason Sarah perpetrated her hoax, she'd be in the know. Even though she must have caused Sarah great consternation with her Tripp pregnancy, she has done pretty well for herself. New car, new condo in Anchorage, glitzy gig at Candies, spreads in Vanity Fair and People, contestant on DWTS, new house in Arizona, new face and chin, and a potential TV show in LA with the Massey brothers… She's been handsomely rewarded for something.
Therefore, if we postulate that someone close to Sarah is the mother (e.g. Bristol) and someone equally close in some way is the father and they both voluntarily gave the infant to Sarah, then that adds them both to the list.
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Sherry Johnston |
Let me add in the Johnston family members, who seem to have some knowledge yet also seem reluctant to reveal what they know. Whether this has to do with Sherry's drug bust or something else is not clear.
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Levi Johnston |
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Mercede Johnston |
Seven or eight people (even ten) plus Sarah is not a large number, and considering that most of these are family or very close friends or associates, it's not that surprising that nobody has spilled the beans to date. Remember, 5 weeks is not a long time to pretend one is pregnant. Nobody knew beforehand, and Sarah viciously attacked anyone she thought was spreading the rumors that she was not the one who gave birth. If there's one thing I picked up from Frank Bailey's book, it is that you didn't want to upset Sarah. It was much better to just set aside doubts and be righteously indignant along with her.
If recent comments on other blogs are at all true, there are likely others who do know at least a part of the real story. For example, a tubal ligation that would have absolutely prevented Sarah from conceiving Trig had to be performed by somebody. A premature birth where the mother was known to be Bristol had to be attended by somebody. It is difficult to assess these stories when those who tell them decline, for whatever reason, to go on the record. What we can be sure of, though, is that the number of those who absolutely had to know the full story is not that large, and I can easily imagine why they have decided it was best to hold their tongues so far.