Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thank You and a Request

By Kathleen

What a week. I'd like to give special thanks to BBT for her weekly round-up. As usual she has excelled in summing up the week that was. Thanks also go out to all readers who took time to tweet out Patrick's post regarding the suppression of documents by Citigroup.

Politicalgates is a community and one that I am proud to be a part of. Mostly we deal with politics. Readers provide important links and information. Occasionally we support each other during times of grief or when life just takes over. We share our good times and our bad. Exchange recipes. Share our holiday adventures. Snark at the behaviour of politicians. And so much more.

Today I would like to share a little girl with Politicalgates readers. Her name is Jenay Faith Jones, a beautiful two year old who was recently diagnosed with leukemia, a cancer of the blood. Jenay lives in Alaska and she was brought to my notice by a good friend who asked me to pray for her. Jenay's dad, Todd, writes regular updates about her treatment at the Caringbridge website that he created for Jenay's friends and family. He shares the highs and the lows of Jenay's journey and the struggles that the family endure as they help her fight the cancer which has taken over their lives during this festive season and which will remain a part of their lives for the next two and a half years. Quite a stretch in a little girl's life when you are only two. More information can be found at this link. You will have to register with an email address to gain direct access to Jenay's page.

I believe that in situations such as this that prayer can be a powerful support. However, there are many material considerations that cannot and should not be overlooked. Jenay's treatment is expensive and the family do need some additional support. It is my hope that we as a community, can pull together to help ease the situation for this beautiful family and that those of you who are able will donate what you can on behalf of the Politicalgates family.

Arrangements have been made with Todd's pastor, Pat Hadley (907 563-9033) of the Well Spring Ministries of Alaska, for donations to be sent directly to him. Pat will pass on all received donations directly to Todd. Cheques should be made out to Todd Jones not Pat Hadley. If you send cash be sure to include a note that says that the donation is for the Jones family and not the church.

Please send what you can:

Cheques in the name of

Todd Jones

Address envelopes to:

Todd Jones c/o
Pat Hadley,
WellSpring Ministries of Alaska,
2511 Sentry Drive #200,
Anchorage, AK 99507.

If you do decide to participate please drop me a quick email at kathleenpoliticalgates@googlemail.com informing me of the amount sent as I would like to give regular updates of our appeal. Thank you.

Also please note:

On the Caringbridge website there is a donation button. That is for donations to Caringbridge and NOT for Jenay's family.

Thank you once again.