Friday, December 2, 2011

Herman Cain's new website "Women for Cain": Supporters who give "thumbs up" in website logo are "stock photo models" from Germany - UPDATE!

By Patrick

Herman Cain's rapidly descending career reaches a new low point: The adulterer and compulsive liar Herman Cain today opened a new section at his website with the curious name "Women for Cain." It's of course not supposed to be Herman's private dating website, but a place on his website where female fans can express their unwavering support for Herman Cain - like for example Priscilla Wooten from Georgia, who is quoted saying:

"Mr. Cain, please do not step down. You are exactly what this country needs to get us back on track, from the disaster that presently sits in our oval office. From the 1st time I saw you in Douglasville Ga,I knew that I wanted you to be my President. Stand strong, sir."

An initial research of the women leaving comments at "Women for Cain" reveals that a lot of them have connections to the Tea Party (surprise, surprise). We looked some of the women up on the internet, and they often seem to be member of the "Tea Party Patriots" or work as "Tea Party Organizers". In some cases they seem to have donated large sums (for example $ 3,000 in one case) to Herman Cain's campaign.

While the creation of this website is already embarrassing enough on the limitless "GOP embarrassment scale", another big cock-up (pardon my language) has been discovered. I cannot claim credit for this discovery, as it happened in the comments to an article about Cain's new website at TPM. Ever since Herman Cain's infamous and much parodied "smoking campaign advert" has been published, it should be clear to everyone that Herman Cain's campaign staff obviously consists of a bunch of amateurs. Today, we have more proof for this assumption.

In the logo of his new website "Women for Cain", Herman Cain shows four smiling ladies who give the "thumbs-up":

Women for Cain screenshot 1

I believe that Herman Cain's website tries to give the impression that these four young ladies are true supporters of Herman Cain. I might be naive, but in my view, if you are a politician and show pictures of people giving you the "thumbs-up" at a prominent place of your website, even if these people are not named, they still should in fact be real supporters. Otherwise, you would just be running some kind of online shop, selling "yourself" as a product.

But it turns out that Herman Cain's campaign doesn't share my views.

The four ladies are not supporters of Herman Cain. In fact, that might not even have heard of him, as live far, far away - in good old Germany. Herman Cain's campaign didn't bother to find four real good-looking female supporters. In their rush to make Herman Cain more appealing to women (haha!), they instead simply used a commercial stock photo which was taken by a German photographer and which can be bought online at this website.


Herman Cain stock photo 2

Herman Cain stock photo photographer

Herman Cain stock photo 3

This just brilliantly embodies in my opinion what Herman Cain's campaign is all about: The selling of an inept and deceptive candidate.

Herman, it's time to go! Do yourself a favour and end this farce.



Literally minutes ago, the stock photo has been removed - and left a gaping hole on Herman Cain's website.


Women for Cain - screenshot 3


Women for Cain - screenshot 4



You have seen "Women for Cain" - but why be one-sided? It was only a matter of minutes or hours, and now it's online: "Men for Cain."

Men for Cain 1



Herman Cain's 1986 Sexual Harassment Training - Learn about the "NEIN NEIN NEIN" rule!



Herman Cain's campaign finally found the right photo to "plug the whole" on the "Women for Cain" website, after the German stock models had disappeared. Why look around for fake or real female supporters, when you could use a photo of your wife smiling in the camera (pictured together with yourself):

Women for Cain - NEW LOGO

So all is good again. Apart from the curious fact that Gloria Cain did not know about the 13-year "friendship" with Ginger White and the fact that the Daily Beast just yesterday published a bombshell article, claiming that the marriage of the Cains is, well, a little bit different:

The Cain campaign denied any strife in the marriage, but one campaign worker speaking anonymously said that Cain doesn’t want to quit because he doesn’t want to be seen as a loser.

No matter what happens to Cain’s presidential aspirations, sources close to his family say the accusations of infidelity have already taken a significant toll on an already strained marriage.

A close friend of one Cain’s two children explained that Herman and Gloria Cain’s marriage has seen its share of trouble over the years and his attraction to other women always played a huge role in the friction.

“It never felt like a real marriage when I was around them,’’ says the friend. “Mostly he was always gone and his wife seemed to be OK with it. Not being together seemed the norm for their marriage, and Gloria didn’t seem to mind. His kids didn’t seem to mind either. ’’

The friend noted that when Cain was around, he seemed completely in his own world.

“He was king of his castle and no one questioned him,’’ says the friend. “It was an uncomfortable set-up for an outsider like me to be around. He was so indifferent to everyone. But I liked Gloria. She was warm and kind.”

Several people who know the Cain family say Gloria and Herman have even lived in separate residences over the years. “They stayed together for good face. They’re old school where you stay just because. Herman likes to give the appearance of living this holier-than-thou life. But it’s anything but,” says someone close to the family.

Cain told Fox News that his wealth allowed him to give money to both men and women in need and certainly had no romantic implications. Ginger White, who says she had a 13-year affair with Cain, also said he gave her money and supported her throughout their relationship. Cain later admitted that his wife had no idea he was supporting White financially.

While Cain denies an affair with White, many in Atlanta can’t seem to remember seeing the Cains out together very often. Lowery says he saw Cain out and about in Atlanta over the years, but rarely ever with his wife.

“I can’t say I remember seeing the two of them being out together,’’ says Lowery. “I’d see him at conferences and other church-related functions from time to time. I even heard him sing a few times, but I never saw him with Gloria.’’

Another family friend says Gloria Cain was never a fan of her husband’s “look at me’’ tendencies or his run for office, even though Cain assured her it wouldn’t require much of her physically or emotionally. He was wrong.

“This is a very arrogant man,’’ says the friend. “It probably never occurred to him that all these women would eventually come out. It’s funny to see him talk about the toll on his wife. He never thought of that before.’’

Well, it's not know yet whether the trainwreck which is Herman Cain's campaign will move on, or whether he will throw the towel. Given the level of arrogance displayed so far by Herman Cain, he might very well continue. Which would be a good thing from my point of view, because Herman Cain's campaign has been a constant source for parody and entertainment.

Speaking of parody - one of our readers had another good idea for a Herman Cain support site: "Weasels for Cain."

Weasels for Cain


More parody, this time not related to Herman Cain, but concerning Sarah Palin - who mercifully began her inevitable decline into obscurity. Yesterday, Sarah Palin again appeared on Hannity (click here for video) and was wearing, well, something that looked like a red bathrobe. Which is possibly not the most unusual thing in the world for housewives in Wasilla to wear, but still a noteworthy event when it comes to national television. This is a screenshot from the interview:

Sarah Palin - Red Bathrobe

Our wonderful reader Azure Ghost has her own take on Sarah Palin's appearance in the interview:

Sarah Palin Elmo

Thank you, Azure Ghost! What an amazing resemblance.