by Sunnyjane
It should come as no surprise to those Americans who don't have pickle relish for brains that the GOP is in disarray. Perhaps disarray is too mild; the GOP is in the midst of a self-made tsunami of chaos. And hey, it wasn't the Democrats who said that the Republican Tea Party would never have the elite, smart people on their side. It was Rick Santorum who engaged in that bit of intellectual segregation.
CPAC 2013 -- Only Wingnut Faithfuls Welcome
The Conservative Political Action Conference (fondly referred to as Conservative Politicians Are Clowns by the liberal establishment) will be held March 14-16. CPAC is actually sponsored by the American Conservative Union, which boasts as members of its board of directors such black holes luminaries as David Keene (NRA), Carly Fiorina, John Bolton, Grover Norquist, etc.
There are a couple of head-scratching paradoxes going on at CPAC this year. First is the rather weird news that Mitt Romney is attending.
The Mittster, of course, convinced CPAC participants in 2012 that he was severely conservative, and he ended up winning the straw poll with thirty-eight percent of the vote. OK, so they're idiots, but that's not the point. This year it is expected that with all the usual suspects -- and some of the other losers -- having speaking roles that the focus will again be on proving that they lost last year because the nominee was not conservative enough. And there will be Romney in the middle of it. Hmmm...can you say awkward?
The other shoot-yourself-in-the-foot issue is that it seems there will be several panels devoted to discussing how the GOP can become a more inclusive party. Well, that's all fine and dandy, of course, until it comes to some who will never be included. GOProud and the Log Cabin Republicans have once again been barred from attending because both groups are advocates for -- shh, quietly now, gays and lesbians. Gasp! Oh yes, in 2012 the far-right Christianista family values groups pitched a hissy-fit and said they would pull their sponsorship if those people were allowed to attend. Same for this year.
And so it goes with the Republican Tea Party attempting to, um, reinvent itself.
Who Will Speak at CPAC?
Why, the Tea Party will speak at CPAC, that's who. What, you were expecting a half-way sane Republican like Jon Huntsman? Splort! Not a chance. As it stands today, the brain-cell count in that room will dip into negative numbers.
In fact, the conference's theme this year is -- wait for it -- CPAC—
Let's take a quick look at several of the saviors swirling around in CPAC's Tea Party dreck.
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Dem strategist's email during Jindal's 2009 SOTU rebuttal: I'd pay a lot of money to be back watching a Palin speech. |
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If I just take a quick gulp, no one in the whole country will notice, right? |
Long before he felt the urge to re-hydrate himself during the rebuttal, Rubio had announced his support for Florida Gov. Rick Scott's illegal purge of vote registration rolls. What about this inclusion thingy the GOP was talking about? He's a real piece of work, is Sen. Rubio, but that's exactly what the Republican Tea Party is looking for. Can he save the party? Well, it's according to what your definition of savior is, I suppose.
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Going UP or Going DOWN? |
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I am DOWN with this Tea Party stuff, you betcha! |
Love's parents came to the U.S. from Haiti in 1973, leaving their first two children behind. Mia was born in 1975, and then the parents sent for her siblings. Can you say Anchor Baby?
She is the mayor of Saratoga Springs and ran for the House of Representatives in 2012. During her campaign she made the statement that once in congress, she would join the Congressional Black Caucus and take that thing apart from the inside out!
I'm sort of sorry she lost, actually. I'd love to have seen her come up against the likes of long-time respected members of the CBC such as Elijah Cummings, Keith Ellison, and John Lewis, just to name a few. Talk about taking that thing apart. Whew!
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Bendy Straws, Anyone? |
The Next Generation of Conservatives?
By the standard set by its own theme, we can assume that CPAC would not have the be-knighted Ronald Reagan as a speaker this year. In all probability, Reagan would be appalled at how the Tea Party has taken over the conservative movement in this country.
It's also pretty obvious that, by CPAC's standards, Chris Christie doesn't fit in. Sarah Palin does. Go figure.
A Reminder for Liberals

End Note
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Which part of NO didn't the Republican Tea Party understand in the 2012 Election results? |