Sunday, February 13, 2011

The joys of old and new technology - Open Thread

By Patrick

We live in times where "old technology" and "new technology" sometimes struggle with each other. So let's take a short look in this open thread at the benefits of some "old" and "new" concepts.

First, let's celebrate a revolutionary concept of "old technology" - The BOOK:

In contrast, new technology is mostly "digital", and it enables us to push the boundaries.

For example, virtually everybody can create a "time lapse" video these days - and produce stunning results.

Below is one of the best examples which can be found on youtube - a Vancouver City time lapse clip.

You should click on the menu where it says "360" and watch it in HD in order to get the full experience. In case you do that, choose HD, then click play, but then immediately pause the video first for several minutes before you watch it in full, because otherwise it might get "stuck" from time to time.

Also, click on the lower right corner in order to watch it full screen. Enjoy!

A particularly stunning time lapse video can also be found here: The "Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta."

Another masterpiece with scenes from Vancouver: Olympic City time lapse.

With the next post on Sunday, we will return to the serious and important political issues.

Our reader HonestyInGov had a great idea and has compiled for us a list of important people on twitter (media, politicians etc.), who could be "addressed" in our own tweets - like "@maddow" or similar. This is very helpful for everyone who is on twitter!

Have a nice evening, everybody!

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