Raw Video: Sarah Palin In Philly: MyFoxPHILLY.com
And this (cannot embed the video):Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Sarah Palin Lets Down Her Fans At The Gettysburg Civil War Battlefield While Playing Cat and Mouse With The Mainstream Media
Monday, May 30, 2011
Weekly Roundup, May 23-May 29, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
This post gave me the idea that perhaps we PoliticalGaters can contact our own favorite bookstores, to encourage them to invite Geoffrey Dunn to do a reading from his book. And/or, perhaps there could be a panel, with Dunn, Bailey and McGinniss, highlighting the common themes that emerge from their books… what do you think?
Toki de la Vega? Seriously, RAM?
Missing Person Alert!
In a scene worthy of the theater-of-the-absurd, Sarah’s “trusted aide” Rebecca Mansour confided to an internet acquaintance named “Toki de la Vega” about some behind-the-scenes goings on in Palin’s inner circle, including disparaging comments about Mitt, Newt and Bristol. What could be more Presidential than your aide using Twitter to write confidential DMs to someone she “met” on the internet, with the moniker of Toki de la Vega? (It reminds me of the Masked Avengers, for some reason.) This latest fiasco should be fair warning to anyone out there who thinks Sarah Palin could run the country: she can’t even manage her own pitiful staff. H/T to Patrick, whose files include some interesting stuff on Toki, and to Micmac, crystalwolfakacaligrl, lidia17 and other readers, who found some more, including the change in tone that occurred in 2010 – transforming from Palinbot to critic.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Ennealogic returns with another insightful guest post. This one highlights Sarah’s MO: vengeance. Her motto: No slight is too slight (to be ignored.) The post highlights the new Frank Bailey book, which follows in the footsteps of other books by formerly extreme right-wingers who have redeemed themselves (at least in part) through the publication of revelatory mea culpas. Predictably, the pushback against Bailey’s book is in the form of fierce ad hominem attacks. But the book’s revelations about Sarah’s disturbed psyche and her pettiness, dishonesty and deceptive tactics are well supported by extensive documentation, displaying both Sarah’s and Todd’s vindictive natures and the dysfunction that affects everything that Sarah touches. They also echo themes from Dunn's book, and probably from McGinniss' too (wild guess). A nice addition to the 2011 Sarah Palin book club!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sarah Palin’s image as a modern-day Queen Esther
It is hard to believe that people are really fooled so much by Sarah Palin that they equate her with the biblical Queen Esther. But the first video in this post shows that not only do her followers view her in this way, but that Palin herself encourages the comparison. In fact, Lou Engle wrote to Palin on the eve of the VP debate to promote this exact analogy. Writers Michael Gross, David Gibson, Andrew Sullivan and others have tried to reveal how Palin taps into this potent biblical symbolism of the extreme-Christian fundamentalists. That Palin has none of the courage of Esther is beside the point. She knows the biblical code and her messaging and actions seek to make this link in the minds of her followers.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Another Crazy Week, Another Crazy Bus Tour
Since the Rapture fizzled, unfortunately Sarah is still with us here on earth, so we are left to try to sort out the events of another Palinesque week. There’s the new house in
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Palin’s Upcoming Bus Tour Kicks Off by Exploiting the Rolling Thunder Rally
Patrick’s post covers a few recent developments in the continuing soap opera of Sarah Palin’s life. We start with a little propaganda, and then learn that the new bus tour will recycle the bus used in Sarah Palin’s
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Who among us was surprised that Sarah showed up in black leather and high heels,
This was a terrible week for folks in
Some Comments and Links:
Tada did some sleuthing about Palin and the Safari LLC, and raised a good question: Something smells fishy about this. Why would someone running for Mayor of a small town like Wasilly have the need to hide her investments by incorporating an LLC in
AzureGhost had a great name for Palin’s bus: The Straitjacket Express and
Comeonpeople2 dubbed the trip the Magical Mythery Tour.
Consciousatlast: Palin pretends in many areas. She pretends to know about energy. She pretends that she has a "traditional" family life. She pretends that she knows about foreign and domestic policy issues. She faked a pregnancy. So, Sarah just might initiate a PRETEND campaign for POTUS. The point of the campaign would of course be $$$ and media attention which drives $$$ etc. As most of us here agree, her behavior is quite un-presidential. Her various pathologies would probably not allow her to "go the distance" in a real national campaign. What's more, she does not want to actually be the POTUS. She quit her Alaskan position - who would take her as a serious candidate?
Sir Guestalot: Yes, she is damaging to the
465janedoeseeker: The most infamous political propaganda film ever made is "Triumph of the Will", a documentary made for the purpose of introducing (or should I say, reintroducing) Adolf Hitler to the German people. The film had three themes: religion, power, and unity.
These are the same three themes I see being portrayed in the Palin campaign: religion ('christian' dominionism, to the exclusion of all other beliefs), power (the use of demagogic appeal to engage her audiences in a militaristic and combative mood toward other people and nations), and (false) unity ("One Nation"is a phrase written on her bus, while seeds of racial and ethnic and political division are sown on every side).
I don't think any of this is a coincidence or accident. It worked for Hitler (though not so well for
Psalm023: Yes, Patrick's right that Sarah's staff might cause confusions; leak out inconsistent bits of unconfirmed info where it would create media "squirmishes", so Sarah can accuse them of being lamestream. I can just see her now rubbing her hands together concocting all these sinister little plots to confuse and create chaos. Then she'd again roll her eyes, and say how she's such a victim, so please donate more to my
Ivyfree: …She needs a drug screen. She's too irrational. Maybe she's not using, but this is tweaking my inner alarm system, the one I use for patients. Something is off, with her and drugs and alcohol. I'd bet on it.
Older_Wiser had an excellent longer comment; here is the last part: The hell with empire and being "Number One"--it's a pyrrhic victory and one which leads to real moral collapse but it's also one which appeals to our baser nature of Fearing the Other. Will we ever have a Dept of Peace and see the Pentagon as the Dept of Death?
Just Ask: I have to say as a Veteran with a long line of Veterans in my family and a brother in law who is serving currently this really does piss me off in the worst way…this money hungry, narcissist has to push herself onto all of us today and steal the spotlight from those who deserve it. She can't just sit down and be quiet while being respectful for 5 minutes. The sooner someone takes her down the better. In my entire life I've never witnessed a person who has less of a grasp on reality or the desire to allow others to have their moment without her taking full advantage of it just so she can get her ego stroked over and over. She's like a 3 year old that has a tantrum and does something outrageous when she's not getting enough attention from the grown ups in the room.
Lilylake: Palin treats her mental illness the way she treated her "pregnancy" - she refuses to go straight to an emergency room and get HELP.
Lou Snider: She likes the smell off emissions? Sarah, I fart in your general direction. (With apologies to Monty Python.)
Cheeriogirl found this on Newt & Callista Gingrich’s little line of credit with Tiffany’s.
Older_Wiser gave us something to laugh about: titles for the SP movie.
Ella linked to Rolling Stone on Roger Ailes and the Fox Fear Factory.
Another great blog post from Laura Novak, with Brad Scharlott.
Sunnyjane on the Tea Party’s support by (and to keep from regulating) Wall Street.
Hope for America linked to this article on veterans criticizing Palin’s policies that affect soldiers returning to
The Last Word (with a prologue from BBT): There are a few areas of disagreement among even our most loyal readers. One is whether Palin will run for President; that will be resolved soon. Another is whether it is better to focus on the Reckless Ride instead of Babygate. A third is whether to highlight the similarities between Palin and Hitler. Fortunately, Politicalgates allows dissent! Here is Patrick’s response to a critique of his comparisons to the way in which Palin is trying to rise to power, and the tactics employed by the Third Reich.
Patrick: …Hitler was just as an extreme narcissist like Palin. That's one of the facts I am trying to point out. I don't say that they are identical or have similar goals. But there are quite a number of similarities in my opinion. Just as Palin, Hitler couldn't accept any criticism, was obsessed with the military and with his real or perceived enemies and believed to be on a "godly" mission, guided by "higher forces" - strongly believing that his mission was his destiny. I know that these comparisons might not be popular, but I simply cannot just ignore them. It's also not my fault that Palin's advisors seem to have studied the "art of Nazi propaganda" very carefully. Her upcoming "keep the lamestream media out" campaign is basically the Nazi-playbook. Control the message, try to control the voters, no critical questions allowed, use rousing speeches instead, appeal to the emotions of the supporters rather than their brains, use new technologies etc etc. I could go on. If you don't like all these observations, just ignore them, please. I will try to keep them at a minimum, I promise. But I have studied the Nazis very carefully, and contrary to what it might appear, they didn't become big because they had brown shirts marching through the streets, but because they were capable of very subtle, innovative and efficient propaganda campaigns, and the people who were manipulated usually didn't realize it.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Andrew Sullivan and John McCain believe that Sarah Palin has a chance to beat Obama in 2012 - Palin causing major stir at "Rolling Thunder" (PHOTOS)
The GOP’s standard-bearer in 2008 also shrugged off his former running mate’s poor standing in many polls, saying she would have the opportunity to turn that around if she did make a bid for the White House.
“That’s what campaigns are all about,” McCain said on “Fox News Sunday.”
“I’ve never seen anyone as mercilessly and relentlessly attacked as I have seen Sarah Palin in the last couple of years,” the Arizona senator added. “But she also inspires great passion, particularly among the Republican faithful.”
So, she "inspires great passion", and she could "turn that around." Thank you, John McCain! Also for unleashing Queen Esther onto the world, we are incredibly grateful, thank you so much, John. She's just what the world has been waiting for. A warmongering, lying, deceitful, demagogic politician whose main argument is that if you are against her, you are against women and against real American values.
CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Does anybody here really, does anybody imagine Sarah Palin being elected President of the United States?
MATTHEWS: You can.
SULLIVAN: Yes, because…
GLORIA BORGER, CNN: Uh oh, here it comes.
SULLIVAN: …not because of her apparent virtues, not because of Obama’s weakness, but because of unforeseen events. I do think that if for example we have a collapse in the markets because of a debt ceiling crisis, if we have a second recession…
MATTHEWS: You’re talking Armageddon.
SULLIVAN: If we have another terrorist attack…
BORGER: Sorry.
SULLIVAN: No, I’m just saying we shouldn’t rule out things.
MATTHEWS: Okay, okay, let’s go…
JOE KLEIN, TIME MAGAZINE: You were around, you were around in ’79 and ’80 as I was. Did you see many people in the Carter administration think that Ronald Reagan could beat Jimmy Carter?
MATTHEWS: Okay, let’s imagine that short of an Armageddon moment like the capture of 80 hostages and the humiliation of the United States for year-long and inflation and unemployment like Carter had.
Well, we’ve got the soaring gas and food prices as well as the unemployment. Apparently Obama gives Matthews too much of a thrill up his leg to notice.
Regardless, a few minutes later, the discussion came back to Palin:
MATTHEWS: Okay, let’s go to Palin. Lot of fun here. Palin, you love Palin. In some strange way you’re fascinated by her, Andrew.
SULLIVAN: As I said on the show many times, she started running the day after the 2008 election ended, and there’s no reason to believe she isn’t running.
MATTHEWS: Did she take a smart break the last three or four months so that the Newts and the Trumps make fools of themselves more or less?
SULLIVAN: Her position has been formerly if no one else will represent this grassroots movement of cutting government down to size and standing up for America abroad, then I will have to go in.
MATTHEWS. Anger. She’ll be the anger candidate.
SULLIVAN: Not just the angry candidate. She’ll be the principled candidate against what she will describe as the free…
MATTHEWS: Are you getting her into this race? Are you escorting her into this race?
SULLIVAN: No, no, no, no, no. I’m too terrified for the country to do such a thing. But I don’t, I do think Washington has misread her, underestimated her, and doesn’t see the…
MATTHEWS: Okay, can Palin and Bachmann run both on the right?
KLEIN: Sure they can both run, but I don’t know that either of them can win. But one thing you have to say about Palin: she doesn’t know anything about policy, but she’s got skills. She knows how to be a standup politician.
MATTHEWS: I agree. Great on the stage.
KLEIN: Yeah.
BORGER: But I believe in the end she’s so relentlessly negative that the, the American people don’t like relentlessly negative politicians. Look at Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan was optimistic, positive…
SULLIVAN: But “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” is the most – I know it’s completely phony – but it’s very optimistic. This whole “Triumph of the Will” movie she’s putting out there, two hours of total upbeat, optimistic stuff. She, she knows this, and she’s going to work around it.
Participants in the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle ride Sunday expressed mixed feelings about the involvement of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R).
Palin, along with husband Todd and daughters Bristol and Piper, joined the hundreds of thousands of riders who gather in D.C. every year to raise awareness for prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action.
Palin’s arrival at the event around 11:30 a.m. caused a huge commotion that event organizers struggled to contain. Photographers swarmed her; young men in suits hung around the press pack asking Palin to sign copies of her books. Rolling Thunder security yelled at press and fans not to touch the expensive bikes.
“I’m very not appreciative of the way she came in here,” Ted Shpak, Rolling Thunder’s national legislative director, said of Palin’s arrival. The former governor came in the front of the Pentagon’s north parking lot, where event staff and press were assembled. “If she wanted to come on the ride, she should have come in the back.”
The ride goes from the Pentagon, past the Vietnam Memorial, to the National Mall. From there, Palin plans to head to the National Archives to see the Constitution. It’s the beginning of a week-long tour of historic sites in the Northeast.
But many riders said politics has no place in the event.
“It intimidates our people if we’re pro or con any particular candidate,” said Wayne Kirkpatrick, chairman of the board of an Illinois chapter of Rolling Thunder. “And until national says there's a candidate we’re and supporting them, we don’t want to feel because the president of this chapter is pro-tea party, ‘Gee, I have to be our else I better get out of this organization.”
While many riders said they were fans of Palin, they still did not want her to bring politics to the ride. “Don’t come here and try to make a political point out of it,” said Joe Clark of Pennsylvania. “If she’s just here backing the cause of the entire run, that’s fine. If she’s just trying to get votes, she should just stay out of it.”

Jim Roddey, chairman of the Allegheny County Republican Committee in Pittsburgh, said: 'Overall, most of us feel she could be an important force in the party, but I would hope she would not run for president.
'I don’t think she has the intellectual capacity or the depth of knowledge to be president.'
She has also been criticised by Maryland’s 2010 GOP gubernatorial nominee, Robert Ehrlich, who called her a quitter and said: 'If you look at the categories of potential nominees, most people do not mention her as a tier-one candidate.'
Palin's problem in the north east is the predominance of suburban swing voters, who are not impressed by her social conservatism and anti-intellectual posturing.
Mr Madonna said: 'The overall style, her manner, her approach, doesn’t sit well with college educated, independent-minded women.
'They’re looking for a different persona in their candidate.'
Last for today - raw video of Palin at the ride:
Saturday, May 28, 2011
PalinPalooza reloaded: Palin "recycles" bus from "Sarah Palin's Alaska", "crashes" Rolling Thunder (or did she?), Lawrence O'Donnell's bizarre rant
Then there is the usual chaos surrounding this tour, but don't expect that it will make Sarah look bad, because it's so totally not her fault, it's just the others who always get their facts wrong, you betcha.

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But Mr. Trump’s was a brief dalliance with presidential politics that almost appeared to have been done on a whim. Ms. Palin, by contrast, has been moving slowly and methodically for several years. Aides have said for months that she wanted to be in a position to run for president if that’s what she decided to do.
Ms. Palin and her aides revealed few clues on Thursday, which leaves a lot of people in Washington and around the country guessing.
Yeah, but I am not guessing. Please don't look for sanity or logic in Sarah Palin's actions. She is a mad cow on the lose. That's really all one needs to know.
MORGAN FREEMAN (voice-over)
Ahem. My name is Sarah Palin. I was born and raised in a small town called Wasilla, Alaska. I’ve spent my whole life trying to escape it, and the rest of the world has spent its whole life trying to return me there, like a package with insufficient postage (chuckles). I wanted a reality TV show. They said, “Fine. Go back to Alaska.” I wanted to govern a whole state. They said, “Fine. Go back to Alaska.” I wanted to be Miss Alaska. They said, “Sorry, that’s just not happening.”
Sarah stands with Todd. We can only see her feet, because the camera is hidden in some bushes.
I’m not going to be engaging in too much of that fictitiousness that I’ve been hearing about, in regards to that stuff in the chitchat, that I’m running with regard to hoping for the attention and the fiscal value and not feeling that good belly-fire. But in the unmortal words of Ronald Reagan, “Give me liberty or give me death, and Sarah Palin should be the President in the future, not of the future, or, as some amongst us say in regards to the future, ‘winning,’ but with and amongst, amongst the all-Americans.” Joe here knows what I’m talking about, don’t ya ,Joe?
I support you, Sarah, but I’m not sure what you just said actually makes any sense.
Bristol salsas past the camera.
I’m here too! I’m shy and withdrawn, just like my new chin.
Andrew Sullivan's vendetta against Sarah Palin reached a new milestone on Friday after he insinuated that the former Alaska governor was somehow akin to Adolf Hitler. Sullivan referenced Leni Riefenstahl's infamous pro-Nazi movie after quoting a former Palin spokeswoman on what he labeled "the upcoming propaganda movie,'Triumph Of The Will''The Undefeated.'"
Hitler’s secretary, a nervous little man who clattered like a teletype, introduced me. Herr Hitler paced back and forth in an almost unfurnished room. He wore black, which set off rosy cheeks against a dead white face. A lock of hair over his forehead frequently got in his way and he pushed it carefully aside. In civilian clothes he appeared far slimmer than in pictures in uniform.
The secretary read to him from my list of questions. None of them was particularly provocative. Hitler answered like a man who has lost all conversational tones. Everything was double or triple forte except the greeting and the farewell. Er brillt, as the Germans say.
“A Fascist government in France and a Nazi government in Germany – then the two nations would understand each other. . . .
“The Jews? Can you shoot flies with machine guns? By the way, you aren’t Jewish, are you? Your name is the same as that of the Jew police commissioner here. . . .
“Put the unemployed on the marginal land. . . .
“Between Germany and the United States there should be nothing but increasingly good relations. . . .”
The secretary said softly, “That was your last question.”
“Thank you.”
“Auf wiedersehen!”
I added. “I shall write this and send it over for your signature.”
“Certainly. With pleasure.”
I sent a copy of the interview and felt satisfied. Hitler had said nothing startling but it was the first interview he had given for many months.
Four hours later a messenger brought me an envelope. In it were the pages of the interview. Every line and every paragraph was crossed out, not neatly but savagely, with many blurs and blots. One line remained: “Between Germany and the United States there should be nothing but increasingly good relations.” Signed, Adolf Hitler. For that astounding fact I had paid two hundred marks. Possibly some of the things said did look brusque on paper but I had written them as they were spoken.
So here we have another politician who didn't like to have his words twisted by repeating them verbatim. Certainly "Triumph of the Will" (1934) was much more enjoyable from his point of view.
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Friday, May 27, 2011
Sarah Palin's Magical History Nationwide Bus Tour and Video: Lawrence O'Donnell Reasons Why Sarah Palin is Not Running for US President
In the following report at The Last Word, Lawrence O'Donnell outlines his reasons why he believes that Sarah Palin will not run for the Presidency.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Yes, Sarah Palin truly wants to be a "modern Queen Esther" - Newly discovered video from 2008 reveals her inner thoughts & Preview of "The Undefeated"
I was so blessed to have a few moments with the future VP, Sarah Palin at a Road to Victory Rally in Wilmington, Ohio!
This is what was said....
Well, what this guy doesn't mention is that at the end he also said "You are anointed" - as if this would be the most natural thing to say.
Dear Sarah,
Many thousands are fasting and praying for you. I know you’ve heard it, but I believe this is an Esther moment in your life. Esther hid her identity until Mordecai challenged her to risk everything for such a time as this. Your identity is “Sarah Barracuda”. Esther removed corruption from the Persian government and Haman fell. She didn’t have experience, she had grace and favor. Sarah, don’t hide your identity tonight. There will be questions given to you that you don’t know, and I have been weeping over you. I believe the Lord would have you be real. If they ask you a question that you don’t know, don’t be ashamed to say: “I don’t have the experience of 30 years of politics like Senator Biden, but what I have is character, truth, and integrity, and I haven’t been seduced by 30 years of political and moral compromise like these men in DC. I believe America is not looking for more knowledge, they are looking for more character and more truth, and that is who I am. I refuse the politics of neutrality. I will stand for the family, I will stand on foundations of truth and this nation will be better for it.
Sarah I’m sure you’re doing this, but take a moment to still yourself before the Lord. The Lord is a shield about you. To those who have no strength, the Lord will show Himself powerful.
Sarah, I could be wrong, but I’ve been praying for five years for an Esther, with dreams of being a Mordecai to that Esther. I believe you’re the one and I think you’re even wearing a life band. Tonight don’t be ashamed to plead for the life of the unborn and all the wounded woman who have gone through this holocaust. You can throw this email away, but I have 50 young people fasting and praying day and night who are shouting tonight: “Grace, grace to you!”
We love you,
Lou Engle
Palin seems first to have gotten the idea that she might be a new Esther shortly after being elected governor in 2006, when she asked one of her former pastors for an example of biblical leadership that she could emulate. Quoting scripture, the pastor told Palin that she, like Esther, had “come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.”
The reference requires some unpacking. Due to her extraordinary beauty, Esther, a Jew, was taken as a wife by the Persian king Ahasuerus. When an adviser named Haman persuaded Ahasuerus to proclaim that all Jews in his kingdom should be killed, Esther’s Jewish cousin Mordecai (who raised her after she was orphaned) told her that she had to persuade the King to spare her people: “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
Sarah Palin as Queen Esther? Alaska's soon-to-be-gone-governor as a Hebrew heroine from 2,500 years ago?
But over at the Daily Dish Andrew Sullivan made the connection -- with some help from the New Wineskins blogger -- after musing on Palin's seemingly fatalistic pronouncement in early June, a full month before her surprise resignation.
"If I die, I die," Palin said during a rambling (what else?) introduction for Ronald Reagan's son, Michael, who was headlining an event at the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts. Was Palin subtly signaling her political fate to those with ears to hear?
Perhaps. More likely she was just channeling one of the favorite biblical role models for conservative Christian women, especially the beauty queens, which Palin once was (and still is, if that Runner's World spread is anything to go by).
Contemporary Christians, especially conservatives, love that story. As Nancy Ammerman, a sociologist of religion at Boston University, told me, Esther represents "a willingness to risk everything on behalf of something greater than yourself, something you believe in." Hence the popularity of Esther's other well-known declaration, "I was born for such a time as this." Esther's words convey a powerful sense of vocation, Ammerman says, "the notion that there is a hand in history that brings a person to a particular place in which their particular gifts have meaning and have an opportunity to make a difference." The Esther story is also ideal for a Christian Right that sees itself as a besieged minority, as the Jews of Esther's day were. The vindication of the Jews, who then vanquished their foes, is also a gratifying scenario for today's believers.
Little wonder that when Palin exploded onto the political scene last year -- accompanied by catcalls from the media elites -- she was fitted for Esther's crown. "She's our Queen Esther," Martha Mota told a Texas newspaper at a debate party as Palin prepared to square off against Joe Biden. "She's going to save our whole country." A full two years earlier, in 2006, when Palin became governor, she called her pastor and asked for a biblical example of a great leader. The Rev. Paul E. Riley told her to read up on Esther.
Now I was trying to make a point about preparation with Piper the other night and I’m reading her the book of Esther out of the Old Testament. And I’m telling her all about Esther. See honey, I’m telling her, she’s the underdog, and she’s the orphan, she’s working hard preparing to be judged by others. Essentially Esther, she was out there on the stage wondering if she’d be chosen to have opportunity to really help change her world and Piper’s listening and she’s kinda dozing off and finally she rolls over and she says “Wow, that’s just like ‘American Idol’”.
Any leader declaring that America isn’t a Christian nation, and poking an ally like Israel in the eye, it is mind boggling for, to see some our nation’s actions recently.
We will see much more of this in the following months, that's fore sure! Just wait until "Triumph of the Will 2" hits the cinemas! It should be nothing short of a "worship orgy" of biblical proportions.
Her people are out there, they are numerous, they are angry: and there is not another credible Republican candidate in the race.
Up to this point, Sarah has laughed all the way to the bank.
Now she hopes to laugh all the way to the White House–swept there by a tidal wave of “real” Americans who don’t like elitist liberals (i.e. for a start, anyone with a college education) portraying them as racist, pitchfork-carrying buffoons.
Neither Romney nor Pawlenty can active them, but Sarah can.
And she plans to. Because God is telling her to do so.
Oh, man, this makes what I’ve written in THE ROGUE about how steeped she is in Christian Dominionism all the more relevant. She truly believes her “prayer shield” will keep her invulnerable to attacks between now and election day 2012.
After that, she’ll lay down the shield and pick up the sword of fire with which she’s waiting to smite all of us who do not see her as Queen Esther.
We laugh at her and call her a joke, but she’s serious. And she has big bucks behind her, and nothing to lose.
We’d better stop laughing now, or she’ll have us all crying out for mercy on Inauguration Day, 2013.